'Takleh Angkat Beg? Kerja FA Air Asia Setakat Selfie & Upload Foto Di Instagram?' - The Reporter

‘Takleh Angkat Beg? Kerja FA Air Asia Setakat Selfie & Upload Foto Di Instagram?’

Bintang YouTube Malaysia, Ainan Tasneem, semalam memuat naik kenyataan seorang pramugari Singapore Airlines yang mempertahankannya. 
Such a shame. It is a part of our duty as Flight Attendant (FA). Our duty is to take care of our passenggers.

Memang Air Asia punya duty setakat selfie with uniform then upload on Instagram? I’m here not to put you down or humiliate you. I flew few times with Air Asia, certain of the FA memang bagus, ada etika, I admit. 

As a FA, no matter how tired you are, it is your duty to take care of your pax sampai destination even after landing until they are safe in your ground staff’s hand. 

Air Asia really need to improve on their recruitment for FA. Bukan setakat muka cantik, make up seinci atau setakat handsome tetapi tak nak tolong as a human. At least ambil yang ada-ada education sikit.

I am proud to be a part of Singapore Airlines. Four months of intensive training really shaped us into a better human.

No worries Ainan, I am a flight attendant in sq I know it is a part of duty to help our pax. I know your cousin minta tolong, bukan suruh angkat semata-mata. 

Bila FA diminta tolong oleh pax to lift up the bags, they shall give a hand – Sherina Miri | PIXEL MEDIA
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